It's been an eventful weekend for sure. One of Karen's future bridesmaids came up from San Francisco with her boyfriend to visit. Being that Karen's place has a rooftop deck, we had to take advantage of this and invited some friends over to enjoy the awesome view of Gasworks, Lake Union and, of course, the fireworks. It was sunny all week, then the clouds decided to move in on the 4th, rain and then just plain stay cloudy. Our camera didn't take any good pictures, but I got one to share with a cool camera effect (starry starry):
Late Monday afternoon, the sun finally decided to come out and Karen and I got to spend some quality time together. We went to our go to sun spot (though it was quite cold) at Gasworks park. Everytime I come here, I am reminded of how our life revolves around this park. Our first real date involved Gasworks on a cold wintery night. We spent an anniversary at Gasworks park...on a cold wintry night. And, of course, I proposed to Karen here.
Needless to say, we love coming here. It's built on an old refinery that has been mostly covered up, thus the big hill, with a great view of Lake Union, downtown, and the Space Needle. Boats drive by, sailboats are sailing and kayakers are exploring. As the sun set, it started getting cold we started heading back to our car and walked upon the following on the ground written in chalk...